How to Make a Handmade Bow

How to Make a Handmade Bow

Learn How to Create a Handmade Bow with Lorie's Step-by-Step Tutorial!
If you're looking to make a beautiful handmade bow, join Lorie as she walks you through the process. She uses ribbons from, including the following:

Item# RG881614:

4 Inch By 10 Yard Vintage Floral Stripe Ribbon

Item# RGE199529:

2.5 Inch By 10 Yard Yellow Crystal Shine Ribbon

Item# RGE199529:

2.5 Inch By 10 Yard Yellow Crystal Shine Ribbon

While Lorie uses these specific ribbons, you can use this technique with different sizes, patterns, and colors of ribbons.

Here are the steps you'll need to follow:
Start with the largest ribbon you have and dove-tail the end. Pinch and leave a tail to the length you desire, then make a loop to your desired size.
Pinch the loop in the middle with your first pinch, and twist the ribbon at the pinch to make sure everything goes in the right direction with the print facing upright. Make one more loop on each side with the same ribbon so you have four loops in total.
Cut the ribbon and dove-tail it.
Next, take the 2.5 Inch yellow ribbon and layer it on top of the inch ribbon using the same technique. This time, place your tail at the top of the bow, then make four loops by pinching and twisting.
Pull at the loops to straighten them up as you go, if necessary. Cut off the ribbon, with the tale at the bottom of the bow and make a dove-tail.
Take the same 2.5 inch ribbon and start the process over so you can have more tails. Leave a longer tail at the bottom of the bow and pinch and twist one loop, then cut the tail. This should leave you with a total of four tails of the 2.5 inch ribbon.
For the last ribbon, Lorie uses a 1.5 inch pink polka dot ribbon. Don't be afraid to mix and match textures, colors, and sizes. Leave a tail at the bottom of the bow, twist and pinch creating four loops, then cut your ribbon.
Lorie likes having extra tails, so she takes the same ribbon with a tail at the top of the bow and makes one loop, leaving the other tail at the bottom of the bow. You should have five loops of pink ribbon and four tails.
Secure the bow where you are holding it with a zip tie to make sure it's secure and won't come undone.
Use another zip tie to secure the bow to your design. Slip it in behind the one you used to secure your bow to make it easier.
Fluff up your loops, and your beautiful handmade bow is complete! Trust the process, and don't worry if your bow turns out a bit different from the one in the tutorial.
If you'd like to watch a tutorial on this exact bow, check out Lorie's step-by-step tutorial on YouTube. Happy bow making!

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